Wednesday, May 10, 2006

rape seed

I have discovered that rape seed, are very bad for my allergies. They are beautiful yellow flowers, they have feilds of them over here, great contrast with all the green. They also smell very good, they make some kind of oil with them. But they don't agree with my immune system, I was in such a bad shape that i could hardly swalow any liquid, let alone food. Never felt like that in my life.

My throat was so soar that I could not beleive that it was happening to me, never had any kind of hay fever before, but thankfully after a week of sunshine, wich is unusual here in the UK, it started raining again and, I finnaly started to feel better. Don't have a picture of those yellow fields yet, but I will.

Beside that work is going great, they are very happy with us, not to sure about status here, it seem very important to the UK people to show what kind of position they hold, one bar for regular team members, 2 bars for team leaders, thick bar for group leaders and one thicker bar, different colour for senior group leader. Management has to wear a shirt and tie, where I come from, you know who is your boss, no need for labels, bars and frickin stickers on your hard hat. Where I usually work, where they produce 1300 cars a day, even the plant manager wears jeans and no ties, everybody knows who the plant manager his, there is no need for banners and all that dog and pony show. But I guess where I come from, its not the uniform that makes you what you are, its what you do and how you handle things. The uniform don't make you a better person, enough about that.
And more importantly, 11 days till my love Carol shows up in Manchester, never tought I would miss her that much, and I think it is the same for her, boy I love this women. There mignt be a few sparks, when she gets here, but you guys will never ear that story.

Good day mates

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